David - Root Community Kitchen Team Member, Shift Manager

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David graduated from Root in September 2020 and is the Shift Manager of Root's Community Kitchen Team, the powerhouse behind Root's retail catering and community meal initiatives, fulfilling daily school lunch orders, assisting with catering events, and preparing over 700 community meals each week and for individuals across the North Shore!

David says Root's training program empowered him to be more independent. He has started paying his own bills and has increased confidence in the kitchen. “I have been with Root for 2+ years, and over that time I have gained so much confidence in myself personally and professionally. I am most proud of being promoted to Shift Lead and passing my ServSafe Manager certification this year … I learn so much by doing and so much by asking questions.  I like to share what I know and teach the alumni who are new to the kitchen..  I am so proud of what I have accomplished.  I never thought of myself as leading others...(they) look up to me for direction, and that makes me proud.”  In addition to passing his Serv Safe Manager certification, David is working with Root’s Alumni Services to earn his driver’s license this year. He passed his permit test and is on his way!

Working at the Salem Meet and Eats has been a real growing and learning opportunity for me.  What I like most is going outside the Root kitchen and representing Root.  For me, it is exciting knowing that I am part of the full circle here at Root - I receive the produce and raw materials in the kitchen, I prepare, wash and chop, cook, and I am delivering the food to people who need it. My favorite dish to make in the kitchen is Chicken Sharma.  It is so flavorful and has so many interesting herbs and spices not to mention it smells so nice when I prepare it! 

“My hope here at Root is that I will continue to learn and keep being challenged to try new things and help lead the new staff members in their journey.”