Grace - Root Culinary Training Program Culinary Assistant
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“The Root Culinary Training Program, and now my job as the Culinary Assistant, have made me feel like I have more freedom and control of my life… I feel confident and independent enough to make my own decisions.”
Grace, Cohort 18, graduated from Root in December 2022 and joined the Root team as a Recruitment Associate in the spring of 2023. Grace currently serves as Culinary Assistant, supporting Chef Keith and the Program team, and also steps in to help on the Alumni Kitchen Team for big events.
“The Root Culinary Training Program, and now my job as the Culinary Assistant, have made me feel like I have more freedom and control of my life… I feel confident and independent enough to make my own decisions.
Before Root, I never thought it was possible that I would be helping to teach people to do what I love to do. I really enjoy the teaching aspect of being the Culinary Assistant; I enjoy working with the trainees, and knowing that Chef Keith trusts me to work with the trainees makes me feel more confident.”
I am proud of getting First Aid and CPR certified this year, but most of all, I am proud of teaching others to cook as much as I love to cook. I like working with the trainees and figuring out how best to communicate with each one of them. Each trainee is so different, and I try to meet them where they are so they learn best in the kitchen. “